Thursday, July 23, 2009

But then, shall I never get any older than I am now?

I hope you are all well!!!

I thought I'd share this link I came across with you all...

A-Z of the Best Beauty Inventions

It's a list that has put together on the best beauty bits and pieces, and I thought it was really interesting!!!

Toe stretchers!!! Come on, how awesome are they. Got to get me some of those.

Anyway... What are your top beauty bits 'n bobs hmm lovelies??

My own list would go a little something like this...

Airbrushing (cheating here) or in everyday speak - Make up!! I love love love all things MAC, Stila and Bloom. With a bit of YSL, Chanel and Bobbi Brown thrown in.

Body Brushing. A quick daily dry body brushing does wonders for your skin, as the lymphatic system has no heart to pump it's products around the body it relies on external forces such as brushing. It's amazing.

Colour!! Throw on bit of lippy or a colourful scarf or amazing shoes, or do something fantastic to your hair (with the help from a professional please!!) and watch your day transform.

Dance! Or just have some fun, honestly, put a smile on your face and you can never be looking like you should just put a bag over your head.

Ethique (et-eek)!!! An amazing source of all things beautifying and amazing.
Check them out!!!

Flossing! It's so so important to maintain your smile!!

Gloss, because we all need that perfect pout!

Hair removal. Yuck, but, let's face it, necessary. My favoure form? Sugaring! Like waxing but much much better.
Go see my lady, tell her Sarah sent you!!!

Interesting and fun new products (lame, but struggling!!) Hey a change is as good as a holiday right?

Juice. Nothing beats a freshly squeezed juice in the morning and what a tastey way to get all those goodies your skin needs!!!

fragrance, which brings me to...

Lush!!! I love their stuff, some of my picks include
this, this, and many others that aren't on the website. Boo.

Microdermabrasion!!! I use
this little beauty by Ethique and it leaves my skin as smooth as anything!!!

Neatly groomed brows - or Threading!!! You have to find a good threader, take my word for it.

OPI/Orly. A girl needs pretty nails to make her hands and feet look amazing. Need I say more?

Perfume!!! How can you not feel amazing after a spritz of something delicious?

Q - really stuck here!! (Those quick dry drops on the other list are amazing though)

Running. Blech not actually running for me, but that's just my attempt to squeeze exercise into the list. Exercise is so insanely important for your overall health and wellbeing. Go for a walk. Do it!!

Sebastian hair products. In particular the Body Double range for my fine fine (as in thin) hair.

Trilogy. Lovely lovely products. Their everything balm is a bit of a winner.

UV rays - or rather, a lack of them!! Get a good sunscreen on you Right This Second Missy!!!

Vitamins!! Not everyone needs these, but some real goodies for looking and feeling amazing are Vitamins A, E, C, B and of course D. Other minerals are also essential for good health.

Water!!! Honestly I know how often we all hear this but it is sooo sooo true. Chug Chug!!!

Xox!! Love makes everyone more beautiful, especially...

You!! Self love sweets!!! You can't be looking good if you are not totally loving the skin you're in. Come on stop being so hard on yourself.

Zzzzs. I know, I know, what a cop out with the Zzzs. But it's true, so shush!!!

Wow that was, um intersting, share with me yours now!!!

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